
Roble (Ltd.) aims in planning different types of laboratories at each stage of investment process, such as:

We also offer additional services, e.g.:

Roble (Ltd.) team has gained experience in planning the following laboratories:

How do we work?

Each laboratory project is different and each documentation prepared for Investor is an uncommon challenge. Every topic needs individual review with a few groups of specialists: scientific consultants, engineers, norms & regulations experts, laboratory equipment suppliers, finance & fundraising managers (EU funds, grants).
We need an efficient communication and work organization system to manage such projects. Roble (Ltd.) team experience, based on biggest Polish R&D investment in recent years enables us to create optimal stage system in laboratory planning-project management.
  1. Investor’s scientific methodology analysis and verification.
  2. Guidelines preparation according to pre-project papers, key problems and alternative solutions.
  3. Common branch guidelines preparation.
  4. Creating feedback information about the alternative costs for Investor.
  5. Two-way communication with specialists, external consultants and experts detailing the planning process.
  6. Framework creation for future laboratory development (research range, equipment, installation).
  7. Concept-stage verification and validation.
  8. Final evaluation of key planning factors: safety, ergonomy, esthetics, environment protection, energy savings, running costs).
  9. Final evaluation of key norm & regulations accordance: norms, cost efficiency (as well as GLP, GMP, PN / EN ISO 17025 etc.).
  10. Formal agreements and project confirmation – mostly including:
    • laboratory rooms equipment,
    • technical area programme,
    • branch guidelines,
    • laboratory space- and material-engineering,
    • specifications for supplying and building with complex cost estimations.

Do you have any questions?


+48 32 726 30 50

Opening hours:

Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 3:30 pm

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